Thursday, February 21, 2008

Training Day 4

Sore. 'Nuff said.

A proper post will be coming soon.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Training Day 3

I complained and complained and complained but to no avail. My trainer and I just don't see eye to eye. He keep increasing the weights on the machines and makes me do more reps while I sweat and scrunch my face together to exert whatever energy I have left to complete the exercises.

In a way though, I kinda feel bad for complaining. I pay this man to push me and to get me results. He's just doing his job. I need to keep my mouth shut and just do the damn exercises the best way I can. But I'm still going to make the funny faces while doing them.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Training Day 2

Step ups. 130 to be exact. Jumping up from bench to bench, sideways, forwards, and backwards. My legs are sore. My upper body is sore. Even my ass is sore. This better be worth it in the end. It even hurts to type. =(

Friday, February 15, 2008

Training Day 1

I had my first session with my personal trainer today and boy was it fantastic. The first part of our training consisted of him taking my blood pressure and then my measurements. Taking my measurements was pretty embarassing. Of course he jotted down all of the essentials: arms, thighs, bust, butt, and calfs. The funniest part was when he came around the calf area. He was on his knees (the way all men should be) and he paused and looked up at me and asked: Did you shave your legs? My response: Honey, I'm always prepared. Ya'll should have seen the look on his face! He continued to take my measurements with a huge grin on his face.
Afterwards we got on the machines and did some weight training. He pushed me so much that I was started to shake. I could barely stand. And now, I'm sore all over, but then again, this is what I hired him for.
Anyhow, as we were going around on the machines, he would show me various ones that I was unfamiliar with. As he would get on the machines and demonstrate them for me, all I could focus on was his muscles and how they were flexing. Mmm, the man was scrumptious. He also asked me how I spent my Valentine's day to which I responded with: I worked out. And that was true. When I asked him what he did, he said he went over to his friend's house and played rock band with a bunch of his buddies. I can see it now, a bunch of 20somethings sitting around playing a video game on Valentine's day. Priceless! But ladies, you know what that means...he's single! WOOT!
I have another session with him tomorrow afternoon which I'm really looking forward to. I think that I'm going to see some serious results with him. All I need is some motivation to eat better and I think I'll reach my goal by September.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Mistake?

I might be making the biggest mistake of my life but I'm giving Bricks another chance. In the past he's placed me at the bottom of his list of things to do (both literally and metaphorically). He has stood me up for every date we have previously tried to schedule. And, on top of everything else, he seems to think I'm his phone whore.
Nevertheless, I can't seem to shake him. He and I have reconnected over the last couple of months and things have been going really well. Unfortunately, he's had an operation on his foot and can't walk for 6 weeks. As PinkPolish has dubbed him, he will forthwith be known as Gimpy. We can't even get together on V-day, but maybe that's a good thing...
Despite everything he's put me through, I'm willing to give him another chance. Perhaps it's because nothing better has come along, or perhaps I'm just lonley. Whatever the case is, I'm gonna get on my surfboard and try this wave out. Whether I'll be able to ride it or whether it will swallow me whole is yet to be determined.

Monday, February 11, 2008


I'll be the first to admit that I'm a couch potato, but today, I have gone where most other women have not. I have hired a personal trainer! I finally realized that it was high time to get my butt into shape, so I hired this drill sergeant from my gym. I told him that he needs to be relentless with me and that he needs to be on me like Britney Spears on crack.
I'm confident that I will achieve the results I'm hoping for this time around. I had previously started a fitness regiment (about a year ago now) but failed to continue with it. School became really hectic and I became more lazy. Really, it's all my fault, but I admit my mistakes and am ready to make a change. Even if it means sacrificing all of the foods I love and hitting the stairmaster. *Shudders*
The training cost me an arm, a leg, and my first born, but I figure it's something worth investing in. I will make sure that I get my money's worth. I'll probably moniter my progress on this blog or I'll probably vent on here when I really want to eat a chocolate bar or go out for some strawberry waffles and ice cream. Mmmm, waffles... There I go, thinking unpure thoughts again. I should just go to bed. At least when I'm asleep I can't eat.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Eurovision 2008

Ever since I went to Greece 5 years ago, I've become a huge fan of this European song competition called Eurovision.
Here's the premise:
Each participating country in Europe invites their nation's top singers to a competition to determine who will be sent to compete in Eurovision. The night of the competition, each singer from each country will perform one song. After all of the performances the phone lines open and audiences from across Europe are invited to phone in their vote for who they want to win.
Since I'm repping Greece, I thought I would include a few YouTube links to the 3 finalists that Greece has chosen. The final vote to determine who will be sent to this year's competition will be held on February 26th.
Kalomoira - Secret Combination (I'm totally rooting for my home girl. She was born and raised in New York City but moved to Greece 5 years ago to compete in a singing reality show called "Fame Story." She won the competition and instantly became Greece's sweetheart.)
Kostas Martakis - Always and Forever (This man is GORGEOUS! I love his eyes. He has an amazing voice and would also represent Greece very well if he is chosen.)
Xryspa - A Chance to Love (This is also a great song. Xryspa has a really powerful voice and would also go a long way in the competition.)
Check out the songs and let me know what ya'll think and who you would vote for!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

If you celebrate this...

Happy Chinese New Year! It is the year of the rat. Enjoy ya'll!

Snow Storm

We've just has a helluva snow storm here in Canada. Ontario is under close to 40cm of snow. It's absolutely crazy! Last night I looked out my window and it wasn't too bad. Mother nature should have stopped there, but noooooo, she had to keep going. I am so glad my prof cancelled class today because there was no way I was going to travel in this kinda weather. Could you imagine how late the buses would be!?!?!?!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Superbowl Winners

A big congratulations to the New York Giants who won the 42nd Superbowl!
The game at the bar was pretty good. It was definately a sausage fest in the pub but as PinkPolish mentioned the men who came in big groups didn't really talk to one another. They just sat silently at their tables. When something cool happened though they would clap and then mutter something and then go back to watching the game. Very peculiar male bheaviour. Anyhow, ToonMan came and joined us which was nice. He was on his best behaviour and PinkPolish and myself didn't make him feel too embarassed with our XXX rated talk.
Now, I must return to my Roman history books. *Sigh* It never ends...

Superbowl Sunday

Does anyone else really care about this once a year event? I mean, it's just another football game but with a trophy at the end. I guess die-hard fans will be glued to their tvs today but PinkPolish and I are using this day as an opportunity to go guy scoping at a local bar. I think the pool-o-men will be very fine today.

Here's hoping...

Friday, February 01, 2008

Email #2

After a few emails back and forth and a really long-winded whiny one about her family being all fucked up and not really addressing the issue that she should have been she sends me this piece of shit response.

Oh, and before continuing to the email you should know that Shewhomakesmencry had lent PinkPolish a pair of shoes and she wanted them back. Instead of calling PinkPolish herself she texts one of MY friends and asks him to call me to call PinkPolish to get her to give me the shoes so that MY friend could give them to her. And then she has the nerve to call me childish. And for the record, I have always invited mutual friends to our get togethers.

I asked V about the shoes, because I figured if you were both too pissed and/or childish neither of you would be bringing me my shoes anytime soon.The break is a good idea. I have never asked you not to invite your friends out with us, and I have even agreed to spend time with the ones I don't like because I respect you and our friendship. The fact that you can't do the same (with M, as well as B), and instead ask me not to bring them out with us makes me feel like you don't have that same level of respect. I don't think I need that kind of superficial friendship when I have so many other things I need to devote my time to.Shewhomakesmencry

Email #1

Here is the original email I had sent her:

Dear Shewhomakesmencry,

Last night was supposed to be a night for celebration. A time where three friends could get together and simply have a good time. It was not a time to get drunk. It was not a time to puke in someone else's car.

I understand, and for the most part sympathize with what you are going through. I can only imagine what it feels like to have family go on a campaign overseas. This whole situation, however, is not cause to drink excessively, to deprive yourself of food (and no, Peptobismol does not count as food. Neither does coffee), and to guilt me into staying at a place that I no longer want to be in.

Now, I'm not a completely unreasonable person. I'm really trying to understand what you are doing with B - using him as a substitute for N - but it just doesn't make sense to me. If anything, I think you need to communicate with your family and tell them what's going on in your head and how you're feeling, because if this type of wreckless behaviour continues, I don't know what will happen to you.

We had made an agreement at the beginning of the night: We would leave the bar at 12:30. It's not that I want to be a party pooper but it is because my parents freak when I stay out late. You know this. Unfortunately, your other friends decided to arrive to the bar late, and because of that, we wound up staying an extra 2 HOURS, despite my many protests. This is something I do not appreciate. When we are ready to leave, we are ready to leave. You don't try to pursuade a passenger to stay late, you try to pursuade the driver, and you totally ignored PinkPolish on this.

The way you acted tonight was very upsetting, and honestly, I can't deal with it. I try to be a friend, and a good one at that, but fuck man. You disrespected not only me but my best friend. You puked in her car and both of us went out of our way to take care of you. You get drunk one night, pass out and then get carried out of a bar. Who has to face your father? Me and PinkPolish. Tonight, you get drunk again and puke at every freakin' corner in Toronto. Who has to take care of you? Me and PinkPolish. Do you see any patterns forming here or must I state the obvious? I do not like it when people get drunk. A couple of drinks, fine. I let that slide. But when you drink to the point of wrecklessness, then we have a problem. And until you can figure out what the fuck is going on, I'm on a hiatus.

I don't want to stop being friends with you, especially since we've known each other for a long time and since we've been through a lot. But you promised me that something like this would never happen again. Shits and giggles aside, it did. And I'm not happy about it. Clean yourself up. Talk to your family. Get some perspective. I say this, not out of anger or spite, but because I care and I don't want to see you get hurt.


The before and the after

I guess it's high time that we play a little bit of catch up. It's been a pretty hectic couple of months.
In December we had the holidays. God knows how we love family get-togethers, engagements you can't get out of, and a shit load of food that you'll regret eating later.
In January there were grad applications, stress, and more food that was to be regretted later. In addition to that there was tons of school work to do and little time for any blogging. I guess this is as good a time as any to catch ya'll up on what's been going on.
On New Year's Eve I went to a house party with PinkPolish. It was very nice but it was as cold as the reviews given for Gigli. After the house party I went to another engagement that involved me being in church with my parents. That's right folks, LemonDrop rung in the new year at church. Ya'll may be wondering, wtf, but I did the impossible. While standing at the back of the church I spotted KungPow. As soon as I saw him I began to feel a little randy. In under 10 minutes we were both outside in the backseat of my car getting jiggy with it. Let me tell you, after a 4 month dry spell that is exactly what I needed. It was probably the best sex I've ever had. PinkPolish later informed that I would be burning in hell for doing something like that.
After the New Year I got a phone call from an official working at a company at which I had entered a contest. I had won a trip to New York City (hotel & airfare & $1,000 spending money). I was so excited! I nearly passed out when the lady was explaining all of this to me on the phone. Needless to say, Pink is coming with me and we are gonna take New York City by storm (yet again). We've also decided that this is gonna be a summer to remember. We're going to try and travel as often as possible and do crazy stuff as often as possible. Considering the fact that the next 6 years of our lives will be tied up in school we want to get crazy before we have to settle down and do a whole lot of studying.
The other exciting news is that I'll be moving out by this summer. Along with attending a new university, I'll be moving to a new city. This is huge news! I'll be on my own, making my own rules, and living my life the way I want to live it. Parents can be very repressing.
In other news, Shewhomakesmencry and I are no longer friends. Let me explain. After learning about my trip the girls and I decided to head out to celebrate. Shewhomakesmencry was being a bitch the entire night, whining and complaining about how tired she was a sulking in her corner booth. PinkPolish and I were trying to be more upbeat and lively. Anyways, Shewhomakesmencry decided to invite some army guys that Pink and I can't stand. Unfortch, they showed up 2 hours late so when they got there, we were ready to go. Shewhomakesmencry didn't want to leave, and on her account we ended up staying an extra 2 hours! (The time at this point was 3am) She was also rip roaring drunk leaving Pink to stop at every freakin' set of lights in the city to let Shewhomakesmencry outside to puke. She was crying the entire time about how shitty things are. Meanwhile, Pink and I were pissed.
After taking her home, Pink dropped me off and I decided to write her a very angry email about how she spoiled our evening and acted like a complete asshole. In all of her replies she never bothered to take accountability for her actions nor did she apologize for the way she behaved. She didn't even thank us for taking care of her that night. To top things off, she called me superficial and childish and decided that she needed a break from our friendship after I had specifically told her that I no longer consider her my friend or a human being. If I ever see her on some street corner begging for food I would kick dust in her eyes and walk past her. That's how angry I am. You know, just for the hell of it, I think I'm going to post her emails just so ya'll can see for yourselves what kind of a cum recepticle she is.
After that severed friendship, I began to watch a new tv show called Hex. Well, it's not exactly new, but it's a great show on the BBC. If any of ya'll have a chance to watch it you should!
I guess that's the best update I can give ya right now. Half of it may not make sense, but it's late and I'm sleepy. ;)
'Til next time...Cheerio!