Monday, February 11, 2008


I'll be the first to admit that I'm a couch potato, but today, I have gone where most other women have not. I have hired a personal trainer! I finally realized that it was high time to get my butt into shape, so I hired this drill sergeant from my gym. I told him that he needs to be relentless with me and that he needs to be on me like Britney Spears on crack.
I'm confident that I will achieve the results I'm hoping for this time around. I had previously started a fitness regiment (about a year ago now) but failed to continue with it. School became really hectic and I became more lazy. Really, it's all my fault, but I admit my mistakes and am ready to make a change. Even if it means sacrificing all of the foods I love and hitting the stairmaster. *Shudders*
The training cost me an arm, a leg, and my first born, but I figure it's something worth investing in. I will make sure that I get my money's worth. I'll probably moniter my progress on this blog or I'll probably vent on here when I really want to eat a chocolate bar or go out for some strawberry waffles and ice cream. Mmmm, waffles... There I go, thinking unpure thoughts again. I should just go to bed. At least when I'm asleep I can't eat.