Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A whole lotta snow

I figured I could continue with the theme of snow. I was reading the Toronto Star and came across this article listing that this year we've accumulated a total of 189cm of snow! Unbelievable. The record for the most snowfall was back in 1938-39 with 207.4cm of snow.
Check it out!

Flurries could make winter 3rd snowiest
Mar 25, 2008 04:30 AM
John Goddard Staff Reporter
Snow forecast for today promises to snatch third place for the current winter in Toronto's snowfall record book.
With a light dusting early yesterday, total accumulation for this winter hit 189 centimetres, said senior Environment Canada climatologist David Phillips.
That locked in fourth place – ahead of the 188.9 centimetres in 1971-72. A further 5 centimetres in today's forecast would move the current winter into third place, ahead of 1964-65, which saw 190.6 centimetres.
"(Tuesday) we will get the bronze medal," Phillips said, "and we'll be aiming for the silver."
Currently holding second place is 1949-50 with 196.4 centimetres.
The snowiest winter on record, since measurements began at Pearson airport in 1937, is that of 1938-39 with 207.4 centimetres – "the gold measure," Phillips said. That means another 18-plus centimetres of snow must fall on Toronto if this winter is to seize top spot.

Saturday, March 08, 2008


I get that I live in Canada. I get that we have cold weather. I understand that snow is a regular occurence in the winter (and sometimes spring and summer) but for the love of God, enough is enough. Mother Nature decided to dump another 20cm on us today. Are we being punished or something? Whatever happened to global warming? (Not that it's a good thing, but I didn't mind the mild winters so much.)
Snow is so limiting! The roads are covered, so you can't really go anywhere. The snow blocks your front door and you can't even open it. And it's just so darn cold that you don't want to step foot outside of your nice, warm home. Besides, when you do step outside, you get stuck shovelling the crap off your driveway and sidewalk. Then you have to clear it off your car and everyone knows how tricky that can get - especially when it freezes on to your windshield and you have to sit there and scrape the ice off!
Things are probably only going to get worse since I'm moving to the Niagara region in September. The Niagra region, of course, if Buffalo's next door neighbour and we all know what kind of weather Buffalo gets. That's right, the shit kind.
You know what the worst part is? The snow just keep multiplying! There's not enough time for the old stuff to melt before the new stuff arrives. I mean, come on! Everything has officially frozen and on to the ground and it doesn't look like it's going to be going anywhere for a while. I can't even go to the gym at this point, which is really starting to piss me off. I can't falter from my workout regiment! I've already been pretty bad today. I had all the foods that I shouldn't eat. Come tomorrow though, I'm gonna hit the ground running. I'm going back to my tasteless diet and on Monday, I'm gonna hit the gym really hard. That's right, I'm going back to the Step class. Perhaps I'll do some muscle conditioning afterwards. Who knows? The sky is the limit!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Doctor Who


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Training and School

So far my training sessions have been going really well. I've noticed some results in the last couple of weeks. I no longer get winded climbing the stairs at work, and my jeans fit much better. Actually, I have a pretty funny story for you guys.

So last time I was at the gym, my trainer made me push an exercise bench with a 35lb weight on it across the gym and back. Every time I would do this, on the way back, I would stop halfway to catch my breath and to look up from the dizzying carpet and make sure I wasn't going to pass out. Well, after doing this twice, my trainer thought I should do it again, for good measure and all. *gags* So here I am, pushing away, and when I get to the spot where I normally stop, my trainer turns to me and says: "Are you gonna stop? Are you gonna stop?" He said it in this taunting voice which totally pissed me off. So I said back: "Shut up you asshole, I will not stop! I will not stop!" And then I gave it all I had and at a running pace, I pushed the bench back to the starting point. As soon as I hit the wall, I fell onto the floor. I created a new yoga position. It's called keeled over cow. *Scoffs*

After pushing that bench, my trainer made me do step ups again. (Stepping up and down on the exercise bench.) He made me do this while holding a black 15lb medicine ball. I turned to him and said, "You know, my favourite colour is red." He chuckled at this and replied with, "Is that so." And to that I said, "Yes. Yes it is. You wanna know why? There's a really great medicine ball on the other side of the gym, and it's red and weighs 5lbs." He laughed pretty hard at that, but did not show any mercy. Then he went on to talk about red shoes. *Sigh* I love talking about shoes.

Now, for a more updated story. Yesterday when I was at the gym, the biggest (in terms of muscle) black man in the world came up to me. Here's how our conversation went.

BlackMan: Hey baby.
LemonDrop: *Looking around* Hi.
BM: I couldn't help but notice you from across the gym.
LD: *Bursts out laughing* You've got to be kidding me!
BM: I'm serious. You look really hot on the tricep machine.
LD: (Now keep in mind, I'm pushing my triceps really hard so my face is red and I have this constapated look on my face.) Thanks.
BM: We should get a drink after our workouts.
LD: No thanks.
BM: Why not?
LD: Umm, I have plans.
BM: With who? A boyfriend?
LD: Umm, yes, a boyfriend.

And then he walked away. The whole time though, my really hot trainer was watching from across the gym and he was laughing at me. He comes over after and says to me: "You must really attract the black men huh?" And I just smiled and said, "I guess I do." (I found out my trainer is half Jamaican, half Asia. Mmm, he's almost good enough to eat!)

Moving away from gym stuff now. I finally got an acceptance to my first choice university for graduate work! I'm so excited! I'll be starting my MA next year! Woot! I am so unbelieveably stoked for September. I can't wait to go apartment shopping and then on a massive spending spree at Ikea! Thankfully PinkPolish and I will only be a 40 minute drive from one another, so when the going gets tough, we'll get together and drink our problems away.

Oh, and I'm also going to Hawaii in May for 10 days and I'm going back to New York City with PinkPolish in June! It's gonna be one awesome summer!