I guess it's high time that we play a little bit of catch up. It's been a pretty hectic couple of months.
In December we had the holidays. God knows how we love family get-togethers, engagements you can't get out of, and a shit load of food that you'll regret eating later.
In January there were grad applications, stress, and more food that was to be regretted later. In addition to that there was tons of school work to do and little time for any blogging. I guess this is as good a time as any to catch ya'll up on what's been going on.
On New Year's Eve I went to a house party with PinkPolish. It was very nice but it was as cold as the reviews given for Gigli. After the house party I went to another engagement that involved me being in church with my parents. That's right folks, LemonDrop rung in the new year at church. Ya'll may be wondering, wtf, but I did the impossible. While standing at the back of the church I spotted KungPow. As soon as I saw him I began to feel a little randy. In under 10 minutes we were both outside in the backseat of my car getting jiggy with it. Let me tell you, after a 4 month dry spell that is exactly what I needed. It was probably the best sex I've ever had. PinkPolish later informed that I would be burning in hell for doing something like that.
After the New Year I got a phone call from an official working at a company at which I had entered a contest. I had won a trip to New York City (hotel & airfare & $1,000 spending money). I was so excited! I nearly passed out when the lady was explaining all of this to me on the phone. Needless to say, Pink is coming with me and we are gonna take New York City by storm (yet again). We've also decided that this is gonna be a summer to remember. We're going to try and travel as often as possible and do crazy stuff as often as possible. Considering the fact that the next 6 years of our lives will be tied up in school we want to get crazy before we have to settle down and do a whole lot of studying.
The other exciting news is that I'll be moving out by this summer. Along with attending a new university, I'll be moving to a new city. This is huge news! I'll be on my own, making my own rules, and living my life the way I want to live it. Parents can be very repressing.
In other news, Shewhomakesmencry and I are no longer friends. Let me explain. After learning about my trip the girls and I decided to head out to celebrate. Shewhomakesmencry was being a bitch the entire night, whining and complaining about how tired she was a sulking in her corner booth. PinkPolish and I were trying to be more upbeat and lively. Anyways, Shewhomakesmencry decided to invite some army guys that Pink and I can't stand. Unfortch, they showed up 2 hours late so when they got there, we were ready to go. Shewhomakesmencry didn't want to leave, and on her account we ended up staying an extra 2 hours! (The time at this point was 3am) She was also rip roaring drunk leaving Pink to stop at every freakin' set of lights in the city to let Shewhomakesmencry outside to puke. She was crying the entire time about how shitty things are. Meanwhile, Pink and I were pissed.
After taking her home, Pink dropped me off and I decided to write her a very angry email about how she spoiled our evening and acted like a complete asshole. In all of her replies she never bothered to take accountability for her actions nor did she apologize for the way she behaved. She didn't even thank us for taking care of her that night. To top things off, she called me superficial and childish and decided that she needed a break from our friendship after I had specifically told her that I no longer consider her my friend or a human being. If I ever see her on some street corner begging for food I would kick dust in her eyes and walk past her. That's how angry I am. You know, just for the hell of it, I think I'm going to post her emails just so ya'll can see for yourselves what kind of a cum recepticle she is.
After that severed friendship, I began to watch a new tv show called Hex. Well, it's not exactly new, but it's a great show on the BBC. If any of ya'll have a chance to watch it you should!
I guess that's the best update I can give ya right now. Half of it may not make sense, but it's late and I'm sleepy. ;)
'Til next time...Cheerio!