After a rather dull day, I finally realized something. Being single isn't all it's cracked up to be. You always have to be on the ball. (Ie. Making sure your hair is all nice and neat, that you're wearing a nice outfit, that your socks match etc.) When you're single you have to constantly have your game face on, but when you're in a relationship, you get comfortable with the one you're with. You no longer worry about a single strand of hair falling on your face, nor do you care whether your t-shirt has a hole in the neck. *Sigh* The single life, and the relationship life. Two different worlds, both of which freak the hell out of me.
The single life has been great, don't get me wrong, but always coming home to an empty bed kinda sucks. Of course you can always call a few friends up and everything will be alright in the end - you'll have a few good laughs, you'll bash men, and you'll talk about new ways of meeting men - but ultimately, (and mind you burried deep down inside) you want to have someone there. Someone who will hold you when you're feeling weak, someone who will lend you their sleeve when you need to wipe the snot off your nose (not like you would ever do it, but it's the thought that counts), someone who will bring you chicken noodle soup when you're sick.
I could have had all of this at one point, and I sorta did. His name is ToonMan. He and I met one fall afternoon while bike riding in a park. We sat at the same picnic table and had lunch together. We had a great conversation and exchanged email addresses. I should let you know, we both were dating other people at the time, but I felt something. Something that I didn't feel for my boyfriend at the time. Needless to say, over the years we've kept in touch and gotten together for the occassional coffee or dinner.
Since that joyous meeting day he's been through one girlfriend and several bad dates, and I've been through one boyfriend, an alcoholic, an overambitious entrapeneur, and a series of other bad dates. More often than none we would always rehash our experiences amongst one another, which was great. For a brief month, and I stress the word brief, we even decided to take our friendship to the next level. Unfortunately, it was short lived. I remember him distinctly saying, "What happens when you try to make a friend into a girlfriend? One less friend." I thought about that for a moment and realized that it was true. Seeing as this relationship would lead to no good, we put a stop to it and resumed being friends, before anything serious coul come between us.
Then there came Mrs.Masters. She's a girl that he met at the beginning of September. It's your typical boy meets girl story. They met at school, love at first sight, blah blah blah. He's her first boyfriend, and she wants to take things slow. And of course, Iceman, being the gentleman that he is, is granting her wishes. He is so patient with her and so kind, and gentle. Argh, it makes me angry, and frustrated because he keeps telling me about all the little things that he does for her in the daily emails that we send to each other. It literally kills a part of me every time I read, "Oh I love Mrs. Masters. She's perfect in every single way." It's like he's freakin describing Mary Poppins or something. I sometimes feel like yelling, or at least typing in caps lock, "She'll break your heart you gullible sack of skin!" But alas, I have never uttered the words, nor will I ever because I care too much about his happiness. Okay. That was officially cliche. I apologize. Noramlly, I'm much more sarcastic than this. You can ask PinkPolish. She'll vouch for my sarcasm, pessimism, and cynical nature.
So, I set up a date with NoBalls. This should be interesting. I haven't seen him in over a month and I've talked to him about twice since the beginning of January. PinkPolish and I are going to try out a few things about a "First Date." We're going to create some guidelines as to what you can do to prepare yourself for one, and what happens when a date goes well, (keeping my fingers crossed that it will), or what happens when a date goes the other way. Yeah, the kind where you wish you brought dull pencils so that you could poke your eyes out just so you can find an excuse to get out of there.
My prediction: The date will go smoothly, with a few awkward bumps. My only concern, the conversation will be garbage. If that's the case, I'm fully prepared to tell him to drop his pants, just so I'll get him to shut up, or to just ease the awkwardness. Weird way of trying to make a conversation work huh?
Anyways, Bricks also gave me a phone call and told me, and I quote: "I am claiming my territory with you LemonDrop. You are mine." To which I responded, "What am I a piece of meat? I belong to no one. " He sounds like the first astronaut who landed on the moon, he stuck the US flag into the ground and claimed his territory. (A dog also likes to do the same by peeing wherever it can.)
Ooh, on a completely different note, and because I promised PinkPolish, I'll tell you the story about The Fist.
After having a cup 'o jo, at our local Timothy's, we decided to head into the Stag Shop, a sex store that specializes in lingerie, sex toys, and other various adult "fun stuff." We browsed through the store having a good laugh at the porn section, the female "Gyrator"
and other various toys, and equipment for bondage. THEN, we came across the epitome of any sex shop. The fist. As soon as we saw it we both burst out laughing! Can you believe people would actually purchase something like that? Who would want a fist inside them? Come on now. A dildo I can understand, for those late nights, or for when a man just couldn't finish the job. But a fist?!?! Come on folks, do we have to stoop to that level?
Anyways, I came out of the store with a good laugh, and a list of a few masage oils that I would like to purchase, whereas my partner in crime, also known as PinkPolish, purchased a little something special for her Suavier. Something that would make him melt. (I'll let her give you the details.)
Anyways, I didn't even get to talk about DoorKnob. Oh well, that would make for an interesting next post. As for me, I'm off to do homework, which I should have been doing all week instead of procrastinating. School starts back up tomorrow and I have a headache thinking about it.
Some closing thoughts:
At the end of the day, all we really want is someone who will never leave us. Someone who will be there to hold our hand, through thick and thin, and someone who will just love us for who we are. (This post has been inspired by the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy.) *Sigh* I have fallen in love with George O'Malley.