Reading Week Part 1

So, since LemonDrop and I are such hard working university students, we are given a week off from classes in our winter term labelled 'reading week' for the purpose of catching up on readings and assignments. However, despite what administration may have intended, reading week has become more of a week long blur of intravenous drug abuse, alcoholism and debauchery - I believe in the states they call it "spring break". Heroine aside, my reading week has been exactly as predicted. I got very little work done but managed to have sex with a guy I only met twice. hooray for me! *dies a little on the inside* And so I must relate "the cock story".
I was downtown with a friend of mine and we had planned on meeting up with Suavier at a little pub. Previously to this point I had only talked with Suavier once at a new years party and had been conversing with him via email, phone and msn for about 6 weeks. Needless to say I was quite nervous as he is your typical Italian Stallion so, I bedecked myself in the lowest cut top i could possibly find, a push up bra and silicon breast inserts and assured myself that if the man was straight, he could look past my somewhat perverse personality to my cleavage. Well, the plan worked in theory but for my inabiliyt to think before I speak. He walked into the pub and sat down with us and we started talking - you know that kind of conversation you have with someone who you have been talking to on the phone constantly so now when you see them in person there really isnt anything to say...yes so we covered the three basics almost immediately, the weather, our respective 'days', and the weather forcast for the next three days. So to speed this story along, half an hour later he had his hand on my inner thigh and mine on his and all that was going through my mind was "I knew I picked the right shirt!". So anyways my friend decides to ask me a question but unfortunately I was not paying any atteniton to the conversation as all I kept thinking was "omg, he's touching me!!!" So trying to act all smooth i begin to recount some sort of humouraous anecdote when all of a sudden i just blurt out the word "cock". I just said cock, I said ti just how someone would talk about the weather. Needless to say my friend and Suavier both stared hard at me for about 30 seconds then burst out laughing. I was completely mortified but I must have said something right because two days later I was in his bed, on all fours.
So what happened next you may ask? Well after a day of worrying that Suavier wouldnt call me back he finally did. He talked sweet nothings and poisioned my mind with his words and now I am compeltely infatuated with the bastard. We even went for a walk at midnight by a snow covered lake, where, in the moonlight he gave me the most romantic kiss and stared me in the eyes and said "I would treat you like a princess." Romantic no? Not quite, becaue he also told me that he didnt want to bathe for atleast a day after we had sex so he could "feel me on him as long as possible". Hmm would Juliet have still loved Romeo if he was smelly and cum-crusted? I guess we will never know...
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