Friday, February 17, 2006

The Plot

Alrite, to prevent future confusion regarding the various relationships that will be mentioned, I find it necessary to first map out the current situation. Let us begin with LemonDrop. Well, LemonDrop is currently single after a series of horrendous dates with Alchie (an alcohlic compulsive gambler) Bricks (an ambitious entrepreneur who feels women should change to suit his needs), and the occassional mixing up of the siutation by NoBalls (a blast from the past. I will leave the finer points of these relations up to LemonDrop.
As for myself, I am currently seeing two guys, the one I like to refer to as Clingy (yes due to the fact that he is seriously clingly and suffocating) and the other I shall dub Suavier (yes yes he is suave and smooth). The triangle is made even more complicated due to the fact that I have been dating Clingly for 3 years in which he cheated on me 3 times, once with my bestfriend, and that I told Suavier that I am no longer with Clingy. And to add some zest to the situation, I have a side thing with a guy forthwith known as Oxford who also has a girlfriend of 2 years, but sees me as his "perfect sexual match".

I hope that everyone will enjoy this blog - it will be lewd, rude and raunchy and at times incredibly insightful (although those posts will be made by LemonDrop) If you have anything that you think might be interesting to post, or photos you think are funny or even obscene, you've come to the right place! Comment and let us know.