Monday, April 30, 2007

First day at work (again)

Ugh, I can feel my world collapsing around me. Okay, so maybe I'm being a little overdramatic, but tomorrow I start my summer job. It's the same job I do during the school year, except now it's full time. I just haven't been feeling well the last couple of days, so I don't know how I'm going to make it through tomorrow. I guess I'll suck it up and do what needs to get done.
Don't you hate starting jobs? Maybe I'm going into the wrong field. Maybe what I should be doing is starting my own business. At least that way, I won't ever have to answer to anyone. Nevertheless, I digress. I just wanted to officially announce that my job starts tomorrow. And that is all.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Late night snack attack

Sometimes at night, my sweet tooth gets the best of me and forces me to go to the local Macks to grab some snacks (chocolate, fruit candy, whatever I can get my hands on). So last night, after I dropped off a friend at her house, I went to the store and grabbed a few snacks for home. I walked in to the store wearing pajama pants and my big school sweater and a thick jacket. This man came up to me and started to hit on me. The conversation went as follows:

Random Man (RM): Got a sweet tooth huh?

LemonDrop (LD): Yeah.

RM: You know, all of that sugar is going to keep you up all night.

LD: Meh, it's not like I sleep all that much anyways.

RM: I see. Maybe you should come over to my place and we can work on that.

LD: Umm, no thanks.

RM: Come on, I'll make it worth your while.

LD: (Quickly pays for things and runs out of the store)

Jeez, that man must've been off his rocker. Better yet, he probably just came from the local pub (he was also buying snacks) and trying to sober up before he went home. Ah well. Despite the creepiness of this guy, it still made me feel kinda good. I mean, if I can get hit on (even though he was probably drunk) while in my pjs, imagine what could happen if I tried.

A really good friend of mine, FlyAway, left me today to go to Europe for 4 months. She does this every summer. She takes off and comes back with a great tan. It's no fair. Oh well. I've decided that next summer, I'm going to Europe. I guess I should start saving now.

Friday, April 27, 2007


For the last couple of years I've noticed that I tend to rely on naps more than sleep at night to get rest. Every time I come back from work, going out, shopping, the gym, whatever, I end up feeling exhausted and wanting a nap. What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe I should move to a condo in Florida and buy myself a pair of those sunglasses that wrap around your entire face. I hear those senior homes have designated "nap" times. How cool would that be?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Some quality time

Recently I had a lunch "date" with ToonMan. I still can't believe that after all of this time I still have a thing for him. Mind you it's not the raw emotion I used to have, but I feel a little pang every time he talks about his girlfriend, or marrying her, or how happy they are together. Sometimes I think he does it on purpose to keep me at bay, but who knows. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Overall, the date was nice. We went to a great coffee shop on a beautiful Friday afternoon and had a couple of milkshakes. We caught each other up on where we are and our plans for the summer. ToonMan is graduating this year and has officially been initiated into the "real" world. He's starting his first full time job in August. I'm so proud of him.

As for myself, I have another year of university left. That's right, I'm on the 5-year plan. I should be graduating this June, but because of requirements for grad school, I'm not. Boo. Oh well, I'm not going to take a full course load which will at least alleviate the pressure. I've been debating for the last little while if I should take some time off of school and work for a year to make some money. Since grad school is ridiculously expensive, and since I don't plan on living with my parents for much longer, I think working and saving some money might be a good option. I don't know yet, but I guess we'll see what happens.

I rented Night At the Museum last night and it was sooo good! I wish I had gone to the Museum of Natural History when I was in New York City, but the MET sufficed. I guess history really does come to life in a museum.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Saturday night

Why is it that whenever myself, PinkPolish, and Shewhomakesmencry get together that trouble follows us? We went out to a country bar to celebrate PinkPolish's 21st birthday. We chose to go to this country bar which turned out to be great, except for the 4 hours that a Shania Twain Tribute Band was on. I never want to hear another Shania song again.

The night began as any other one would. We got our id's checked by a REALLY hot bouncer, went inside, went straight for the bar and bought some drinks. Picked a place to sit down (stupid 4 inch heels) and then began to scope out the area. Unfortunately, the place we were at had a bunch of old cowboys, one of them named Tom, who started to hit on me. He made up some mumbo jumbo about losing a game of pool and asked me to rub his head. When that didn't work, he turned to Shewhomakesmencry (because I had temporarily visited the ladies' room) and explicitly told her that I need to rub something else now. Go figure. The 40 year old cowboy chooses me as his victim.

After that, some guy tried to look up my skirt, the club was invaded by SWAT, and I was propositioned by a big blonde Polish man. One of our mutual friends told PinkPolish that his Polish friend wanted to have his way with me. Being the good friend that she is, she came over and told me so. Mind you, the entire night this guy didn't even come up to talk to me! Jeez, if you want to get down my pants at least say hello. Sheesh.

I even country line danced! Can you believe it!?!?! My favourite Shania song (Any man of mine) came on, and I had to get on the dance floor. I followed along with everybody else. Did a piss poor job because of my heels and because I had no idea what the moves were, but managed to make it out alive!

The one shitty thing about the night: after midnight, the club started to play Top 40 music rather than country. :( The whole point of the night was to listen to some Toby Keith!

Anyways. That was Saturday night. Trouble always seems to follow us. Old cowboys, looking up skirts, sex, and line dancing. What a combo.