Saturday night
Why is it that whenever myself, PinkPolish, and Shewhomakesmencry get together that trouble follows us? We went out to a country bar to celebrate PinkPolish's 21st birthday. We chose to go to this country bar which turned out to be great, except for the 4 hours that a Shania Twain Tribute Band was on. I never want to hear another Shania song again.
The night began as any other one would. We got our id's checked by a REALLY hot bouncer, went inside, went straight for the bar and bought some drinks. Picked a place to sit down (stupid 4 inch heels) and then began to scope out the area. Unfortunately, the place we were at had a bunch of old cowboys, one of them named Tom, who started to hit on me. He made up some mumbo jumbo about losing a game of pool and asked me to rub his head. When that didn't work, he turned to Shewhomakesmencry (because I had temporarily visited the ladies' room) and explicitly told her that I need to rub something else now. Go figure. The 40 year old cowboy chooses me as his victim.
After that, some guy tried to look up my skirt, the club was invaded by SWAT, and I was propositioned by a big blonde Polish man. One of our mutual friends told PinkPolish that his Polish friend wanted to have his way with me. Being the good friend that she is, she came over and told me so. Mind you, the entire night this guy didn't even come up to talk to me! Jeez, if you want to get down my pants at least say hello. Sheesh.
I even country line danced! Can you believe it!?!?! My favourite Shania song (Any man of mine) came on, and I had to get on the dance floor. I followed along with everybody else. Did a piss poor job because of my heels and because I had no idea what the moves were, but managed to make it out alive!
The one shitty thing about the night: after midnight, the club started to play Top 40 music rather than country. :( The whole point of the night was to listen to some Toby Keith!
Anyways. That was Saturday night. Trouble always seems to follow us. Old cowboys, looking up skirts, sex, and line dancing. What a combo.
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