Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Some quality time

Recently I had a lunch "date" with ToonMan. I still can't believe that after all of this time I still have a thing for him. Mind you it's not the raw emotion I used to have, but I feel a little pang every time he talks about his girlfriend, or marrying her, or how happy they are together. Sometimes I think he does it on purpose to keep me at bay, but who knows. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Overall, the date was nice. We went to a great coffee shop on a beautiful Friday afternoon and had a couple of milkshakes. We caught each other up on where we are and our plans for the summer. ToonMan is graduating this year and has officially been initiated into the "real" world. He's starting his first full time job in August. I'm so proud of him.

As for myself, I have another year of university left. That's right, I'm on the 5-year plan. I should be graduating this June, but because of requirements for grad school, I'm not. Boo. Oh well, I'm not going to take a full course load which will at least alleviate the pressure. I've been debating for the last little while if I should take some time off of school and work for a year to make some money. Since grad school is ridiculously expensive, and since I don't plan on living with my parents for much longer, I think working and saving some money might be a good option. I don't know yet, but I guess we'll see what happens.

I rented Night At the Museum last night and it was sooo good! I wish I had gone to the Museum of Natural History when I was in New York City, but the MET sufficed. I guess history really does come to life in a museum.