Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Taking a break

Just a quick update:

PinkPolish and myself are taking a small break from the blogging world because we have an insane amount of school work to do. Essays, exams, translations, we're going out of our freakin' minds. With that said, we are going to take a two week hiatus, and then we will be back to our regular blogging.

Just to keep your occupied, here is the new trailer for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

'Til then, hope everyone is doing well, and keeping out of trouble...which is more than I can say for myself.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Bad luck

People are not perfect. They are susceptible to having bad days. You can probably see where this is going. It seems as if I've happened on some bad luck these last couple of days. Saturday was Fall Campus Day at my university. It's like an open house where we welcome prospective students and their parents to see the university by taking tours, and talking with our faculty representatives and attending various sessions that give them information about coming to this institution. Being a campus tour guide, I was giving the bus tours. Unfortunately, I had the pleasure of standing at the front of the bus, and having the misfortune of being thrown around like a rag doll. Not pleasant. Because of that day, I caught a cold. (Stupid bacteria infested people! I shake my fist at you!)

On Sunday, I woke up late because my alarm clock didn't go off, so I wasn't able to go to church early as I had planned. (Church normally lets out at 11:30, and I woke up at 10:30) I though, you know what, I might as well make an effor to go. At least God can't say I didn't try right? You know how sometimes you wake up and you just have a bad feeling in your stomache, like something is going to go wrong that day? That's what I had. I was right to be worried, because I almost got into an accident twice today. A transport truck almost ran me over because he didn't see me, and I almost got t-boned by some bozo who couldn't differentiate between his head and his ass. Once I got to church, I parked my car and locked the doors only to realize that I had left my keys inside the car. I had to go and ask someone inside if they had a coat hanger so that I could break into my car. (Update: I did get my keys out)

When I got home, I started to run a minor fever and thus, I couldn't complete any work. I basically slept the rest of the day, which means, tomorrow I am royally screwed for a class that you basically just get marks for participation.

Now, I have a bad case of insomnia because I slept the whole day today and can't sleep now. Tomorrow morning is going to suck because I won't be able to wake up and head to school early to study like I planned. yes folks, even though I'm sick, I'm still going to class. Stupid 3% participation. (I can't afford to lose those marks.)

Basically, I wanted to vent and in a way scorn the universe for it's evil sense of humour. One day, I will have my revenge, but not tonight. I think I'm going to go drink some Nyquil. Hopefully that tranquelizers in that will knock me out.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Funniest Quote Ever

"The world is a dirty place, and I'm its lemon scented wetnap." - Stephen Colbert