A song for your thoughts
I hate having to make decisions on a whim. I like to think things through and have a back-up plan in case shit happens.
Lately, I've been contemplating whether I would like to go to graduate school or not. I asked a few of my professors if they ever regretted making their decisions, and they said no. I was told that sacrifices will need to be made, but that if you truly have a passion for something, those sacrifices won't matter as long as you attain the end result.
So one night, I tried to picture what my life would be like if I wasn' a professor, if I was just somebody working the 9-5 every day. I couldn't do it. I couldn't see myself working a desk job the rest of my life. At that moment I knew that it was what I was born to do. I was put on this planet to teach the youth of the world, and no matter what it takes to achieve that goal, I will do it.
With that in mind, I purchased SheDaisy's cd, Fortune Teller's Melody (it's very good by the way), and there is one song on it in particular that I love. It's called, Whatever it takes. I know it talks about being a relationship an yadi yadi yada, but ultimately, it speaks wonders about persevering , and so I thought I would share the song with you. Tell me what you think.
SheDaisy - Whatever it takes
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