
This week seems like it has just flown by. I had my nephews baptism on Sunday (I am officially a godmother!). On Monday, upon my return from work, my mom told me that she was going to Greece. That's right. She snapped her fingers, and POOF, next thing I knew, she was on a plane to Greece. How crazy is that?
PinkPolish gave me a call the night before and asked me if I wanted to go to Margaritaville-Fest. The company is paying for our hotel, and for all the booze we will be consuming! I finally have something to look forward to! MARGARITAS in the country!
"The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind." -Humphrey Bogart
I'm going to hook myself a cowboy this weekend. Beyond that, there's been nothing exciting this past week. Just sheer chaos.
School starts in 2 weeks and I feel so underprepared for my language classes. Do you ever have those moments when you just blank out and can't remember anything (and I'm not talking about what happens after excessive drinking)? I have those moments quite often in language classes. Maybe that's what I should start doing tonight...
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