The new guy

Now, moving on to better things...there's this guy at work that I have the hots for. I know that you shouldn't date your co-workers because of conflicts which could arise at work. I understand that, but I really like this guy. Everyone keeps telling me what a sweetheart he is and what a great sense of humour he has. If I hadn't know this, would I be liking him this much?
Problem: We are both extremely shy. (I know that's hard to believe if you've been reading this blog from day one, but yes, I am a very shy person.)
Solution: I have DeskGirl who will "talk" to him for me. I have Flamboyant who will set up a lunch date for us. I have PinkPolish who wants his email addy so she can set something up as well. Jeez, you'd think with three people I would have made some progress, but guess again. I got nothing. I feel like I'm holding myself back. On the one hand I don't want to put myself out there because I might get hurt, but if I get rejected, I'm also going to have to see this guy every day at work.
I completely freaked yesterday. As DeskGirl and the other employees (including Mr.Wonderful - that's what he will be dubbed as), were leaving work, DeskGirl called him back to talk to him. I thought she was going to say something to him about me while I was there. So I did what any normal person would have done. I made a break for it and walked as fast as humanly possible in flip flops to my bus. It turned out that she didn't say anything to him. Thinking back on yesterday's events, I looked like an idiot.
I can't even look Mr.Wonderful in the eye. Every time I see him, I get butterflies in my tummy, and that's when I know I really like a guy. I can't look at him without getting all nervous and turning a deep shade of red. *Sigh*
Also, I don't even really know him. I don't talk to him all that much, obviously I'm too shy and nervous, so how can something come out of nothing? That is my question for you guys. What do I do?
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