
"Suburban Swank does New York" is only 3 days away. Thats right, come Friday we will be leaving behind cubicle hell for a week of culture, fine cuisine, and well ok let's face it...the really going for the shopping.
Ok so updates - Haven't really been posting alot becuase a lot doesnt really happen when Im busy working plus, I've been a good girl anxiously awaiting the return of HKG - we are still in touch., emailing atleast twice a day so things seem to be working out. HOWEVER, just because he's in the picture, that doesn't mean the crazies take the hint and suddenly dissapear. Suavier has been randomly harrassing me with various text messages that include some of this favourite words such as "Puckered" and "asshole". *shudder* Pervert calls a lot too, mostly its just crying onthe other end to which I laugh and hang up. Oxford has been emailing me and leaving messages a lot as well saying things like "I fell in love with you", "I want to be with you" - meanwhile 6 months ago I wasn't good enough for him to leave his girlfriend for. Amazing isn't it? Now, I dont know if this is just PinkPolish thing, but i've also noticed that summer seems to also herald the sporatic callings of random guys from your past. Guys maybe you've gone out to dinner with a few times then stoped calling cause they had a wierd ass fetish or maybe just smelled bad. Guys you used to date but then found cheating on you with your best friend, guys from highschool you never thought you would see again and somehow all these years later managed to get your cell phone number and decide a drunk and dial was a sure way to get into your pants.
And that's another thing Ive been wondering about lately - Anal Sex. I was watching a re-run of a sex and the city episode and Carrie had my thoughts exactly - when did the whole Anal revolution start?! All of a sudden everyone and their dog is having anal sex - what's the attraction? Firstly, in so far as I understand the basic mechanics of it all, you need lube and lets face it, stoping what youre doing to squirt cold KY on your asshole can't be sexy. Then next theres the whole penetration bit, I mean I guess if youve done it alot it goes it pretty quick, (which in itself poses questions cause I would like to know how this affects your bowel movements) but if its your first time it must take a bit of...'coaxing' - like trying to get a skittish squirrel to come eat peanuts from your hands. Then the really awkward part...when he cums, what happens to the cum? You just let it dribble out? Do you keep a towel with you? Do you let it go on the sheets? and what do you say?! "Hey honey, your jis is dripping out my ass could you please sop it up for me?" And even if you were fine with all of this, what about maintenance. As women we already need to worry about monthly waxing or more frequent shaving. So now, we have to worry about our assholes?! And what does it entail? Should we bleach like they do in porn? Do they have keagal exercises for your ass? I think that if our ancestors could see us now they would be very dissapointed. We finally got to an era where men are starting to understand what a clitoris and a g-spot is and now we give them somehwere else to direct their attention? We have known for centuries that men are unable to multi task effectively - so what I ask you, are we doing distracting them from the good stuff?!
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