Questions about why

I am fiercely protective of my friends, and when I see one of them in the process of getting hurt, or in this case, already having been hurt, I want to destroy the source that is bringing on the pain.
I will never understand how a man can build up a woman, and then just shit on that bright and sunny parade. Why is it that a woman always falls for the "we" that men insert into their sentences? Why do we become putty in their tainted hands? Why does our vision become blurred when we fall for someone?
How can you tell someone that you really like them, and then take it back and say, "Oh things aren't going to work between us." Why the fuck not? When the man attempts to answer this question, you will need to bring on the rubber boots because anything that comes out of his mouth will be bullshit. Before you know it, you'll be knee deep in it.
The following message is for HKG:
I do not appreciate you jerking PinkPolish around. As I mentioned in my Dear Universe letter, emotions are something that should not be toyed with. I do not like you making promises that you cannot keep. You have chosen your path. If you continue to build her up and then dash her hopes, be aware, that I will be on your ass like crabs on a two dollar hooker. You have drawn a line between you and her, do not cross it.
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