Wednesday, May 24, 2006

53 Hours

This is going to try and be a fairly quick post. The weekend update has been postponed due to extenuating circumstances. I have not slept in about 53 hours, two friends of mine died in a motorcycle accident the day before yesterday, and yesterday my mother was told by her doctor that she has abdominal cancer. I spent last night in the emergency room with her, 6 hours in the waiting room and and 2 in the actual room waiting for the doctor. She has hooked up to an IV and told that they wouldnt be able to perform the ultra sound on her which will be able to tell definitively whether or not she has cancer until next week at the earliest. We were also told however, that if we wanted to pay cash for the ultra sound instead of going through our insurance they could do it faster. I never realised that our medical system was so corrupt. I love how I pay exorbitant taxes for a free health care system that ends up costing more money unless of course you dont mind waiting in excruciating pain for months to get proper treatment. I can say without hesitation at this moment that I hate Canada, I hate Ontario and I wish I had never left europe to come here.