The soul sucking leeches Part 2

The soul sucking leeches, otherwise known as my internet provider, actually didn't suck the life/money out of me. When I called yesterday about my internet connection not working, they spent 45 minutes actually trying to help me. Yep, that's right folks, I said help. Can you believe it? They even gave me a whoel bunch of steps to follow when my internet connection just doesn't want to co-operate.
Unfortunately Lappy, my wonderful laptop, is down for repairs. My stupid cd rom drive is defective. I'm so pissed. Lappy is still a newborn (approximately 4 months old) and he already has to go to the shop to have his parts replaced. That's sacrelige! Anyways, I brought him into the shop on Sunday morning, and they told me they would call me by today to let me know what's wrong with him (even though I specifically told them what the problem was). So, after not hearing back from them, I decided to go to the shop after work.
When I arrived there, the gentleman who was serving me could not find my computer. At this point I was clenching my fists and getting ready to yell, when another sales associate came (who knew what he was doing) and once he searched the computer, he told me that it had already been sent out for repairs. I gave him this look of death and asked them in an eerily calm voice why they did not call me to tell me what the diagnosis was and ask for my permission to send it away. I have important files on Lappy that may be lost because the fuckers didn't even bother to back everything up!
So I spent a good 20 minutes yelling at them for not calling me to tell me that my computer needs to be sent out. Who does stuff like that? A surgeon does not operate on your without asking for your permission right? A shop should not send out your computer without your permission. ARGH! Basically I concluded with: If you lose/damage/misuse my computer I will be so far up your asses with lawsuits that when I spit, it's coming out of your mouths.
Besides my computer drama, I bumped into a girl I went to elementary school with. She, who is the same age as me, now has a three-year old daughter. I couldn't believe it. Her daughter is so adorable though, and very sociable. We spent a couple of minutes talking about Smarties and her favourite colours.
Actually, while we're talking about soul sucking leeches, NoBalls cancelled the date we were supposed to have today. He calls me at the last minute to say that he got called into work and that he wouldn't be able to make it. HE cancelled a date with ME. The butthead. He's going to have to put the effort in to make it up to me now...
On the bright side, the cancellation did lead to something good. PinkPolish and I were finally able to reunite after a two week separation. *Tear* We just got so busy with school that we didn't have time to even get together for a half hour for a cup of coffee. Today, however, we got together at our usual spot where the creepy Russian works. He always casts these long stares in our direction and it's really quite disturbing.
Ooh, one more piece of exciting news, we have finally confirmed our "hotel" reservations for New York! Both PinkPolish and I are so excited! We can't wait to tour the universities (as corny as that sounds) and shop 'til we drop. I am determined to walk into Manolo Blahnik and gape at all of the beautiful shoes.
Other than that, I don't have a whole helluva lot to say except I finally got a new phone, a phone which has brought me into the 21st century! Woo hoo!
I can't wait for Prison Break tonight! *Drools* Wentworth Miller....yummy...
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