
So today is going to be the first time I'll be going to a funeral home since a friend of mine passed away just before I graduated from high school. I've never been a fan of funerals, or funeral homes for that matter, but then again, who is? I figured that this is probably my last chance to say goodbye.
George Kriarakis was brutally murdered along with seven other people last Saturday in a shooting which occurred close to London, Ontario. He was a good man, who cared deeply about his family and his friends, and who had been recently married. Can you imagine being widowed after only a year of marriage? I met George more than twenty years ago. He and my brother used to play together all the time and our parents were extremely close friends. As we grew up though, we moved in different directions, however, we never lost our friendship. When we heard the news, we were devistated. I couldn't believe that something like this could happen to our family. (I consider these people family because they have always been there for us.)
His body has finally been released to the family, and so, he will be at the funeral home today for people's final farewells. I can only imagine how hard it must be for the family to cope with such a great loss.
My comments towards the media:
Have you no sense of morals? I understand that your job is to report news to the public, however, with topics like this, you must take into consideration the families of the deceased. Have you no decency? No ethics? No sense of what it feels to lose someone so dear to you? All you want is to be left alone! Not to have some fucking prick knocking on your door wanting to ask a billion questions so they can "report" on the "facts" that they have found. While browsing the internet, I found quite a few articles who are trying to portray George in a negative light, making him out to be something he is not. Let me remind you, HE is a VICTIM. He is the one is no longer with us because of someone else's actions. DON'T FORGET THAT. I'll admit, George was an independent man who led his own life, however, that does not give the media license to run with that story and throw in a bunch of "facts," which they claim they have gotten from "credible sources." RESPECT THE FAMILIES AND THE GRIEF THEY ARE ENDURING RIGHT NOW! And if you can't do that, may I suggest you skin yourselves. Then, hang that skin up on a clothes line, take some kerosine and soak it. Then, may I further suggest that you take a match, and light it.
To the police:
Thank you for your expediency and professionalism in this matter. I just wish you would not have revealed the identities of the victims because of the media frenzy which has surrounded the families now.

RIP George. You will be dearly missed.
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