When the car is a rockin'...

It wasn't how I pictured it would be, but it it has been done.
KungPow and I went out for coffee earlier this afternoon. When we saw each other we exchanged pleasantries, and then proceeded to order our coffee. One thing was really on our minds though. We quickly chugged our coffee and then proceeded to his car. Yep, that's right. His car. We rocked that bitch.
The events which ensued:
1) He's NOTHING like Bricks. He was kind enough to tame his jungle.
2) He ate it like a vulture.
3) His Southern Friend decided to depart for a little bit, so I had to coax him to come back more so than I normally would have.
4) I hit my head against the door handle.
5) He coo-ed like a pidgeon at the end.
Are you ready for the finale?
He told me that he cared about me and that he wants to be in a relationship with me.
Is he crazy?
As Big would say, from Sex and the City, "Absofuckinlutely."
Why would you call me up for one thing, and then tell me something else? Did he think that he could get me in a vulnerable position and make me "fall for him?" HA! I don't think so.
On another note, Bricks called to inform me that he was shaving his bush next weekend. Who calls someone to tell them that? Come on now. How in God's good name do I attract these people? Am I simply a magnet for weirdness?
The only thing that I didn't think about was him maybe telling some mutual friends of ours what ensued. [PinkPolish actually brough this point up.] She also told me that I should threaten to tell the world that he has a winky the size of my pinky. When you want to blackmail a man, you threaten his manhood. Grab him by the balls and guide him in whatever direction you want. =)
And that was my night.
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