A sick sense of humour

It seems that the world has a sick sense of humour. Today, as I parked my car in the GO station, I began walking towards the platform to catch my bus. As I was about to cross the parking lot, what do I see? A herse! A freaking herse was driving right in front of me! Is God sending me a sign? Or is this a cruel joke that the world is playing on me?
Last night, Bricks called to see how I was feeling. [So did PinkPolish =)] Our conversation did not turn out so well. And I quote:
"LemonDrop, we are in a committed monogamous relationship."
How can he put three out of four words that I hate into one sentence?!?!?! As soon as I heard this, I denied it like there was no tomorrow. I said we are not in a monogamous relationship, nor are we committed. Do you think he got the hint? Nooooo, I don't think so either.
It's weird, because I do care about Bricks, but when he mentioned the word relationship, I panicked and felt extremely overwhelmed and constricted. It's funny how one word can scare the bejeebers out of someone.
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