My Name is PinkPolish & Im A Dirty Whore!

I had a very interesting conversation yesterday with a guy I had a class with last year whom I still talk to and occasionally see. He is in his mid 20's and is on his way to law school in England next year and out of the blue he asked me, "I think that we should see eachother naked before I go away." Well I was a little shocked because he had never really made any passes at me before this point but for some reason, I said "Alrite." I dont usually make it a habit if sleeping with just anyone but I know the guy, hes hot and not an asshole so I figured what the hell, atleast I know he can't go all clingy on me - he'll be in England! Which brings me to my next topic.
Today I was talking with a girl in one of my courses and she told me that although she had been with her boyfriend for over 2 years she still has yet to have sex with him in any form. I heard this and immediately felt skanky. If I was to be completely honest I have had sex with 5 men, granted I was in a relationship with 4 of them and 2 of them I had been iwth for 2 years but I still feel dirty. Why is that? What is it with virginity that makes people value it soo much? I can kind of understand how it it is that men prefer virgins, not only for the whole lack of say syphyllis, but also I think it gets into that whole corrupting innocence thing. And while women are valued for virginity, men certainly aren't. Majority of women would prefer to sleep with a man who has already had a sexual partner. No woman in her right mind wants to have sex with a virgin - and if youve ever had sex with one you'll know what I mean. They climb on top hump around a bit then theyre done. So why is it that men dont want women who are more experienced? And why should women feel ashamed of having had more than one sexual partner? Why should we feel like its something we need to hide and its something men can gloat about? F*ck that! I refuse to be sucked into this phallocentric double standard! So, I have arrived at the decision that if sleeping with a few men makes me a dirty whore then so be it! I like sex, I like men, and I like different men! There isnt really a whole lot that separates me from a woman who chronically masterbates with a dildo who isn't labelled a slut - the only difference is that the penis I use isnt battery operated and wont electricute me in the shower!
So Three cheers for dildo's! Three cheers for orgasms! And Three cheers for the real thing!!
"My name is PinkPolish, and I like to orgasm!"
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