A MILF filled night

So last night was the night PinkPolish and I, with some friends, went to celebrate Newton's birthday downtown. Let me be the first to tell you, the "lounge" blew balls. The architecture itself was nice, the couches were comfy, and it was relatively clean, however, the amount of old people that I saw in there was ridiculous! I saw so many MILF's that we could keep Finch, from American Pie, busy for a couple of years. (And that's having sex one right after the other.) As for the gentlemen in the club, well, they weren't entirely gentlemen, Shewhomakesthemencry, (my best friend) elbowed a man because he "whipped out" his winky. PinkPolish almost got kissed by a guy who was hideously ugly, and I had to keep KickBoxer company.
KickBoxer is a guy that I met a few years back. We sort of have this unspoken agreement that we only head out to clubs together. I know it sounds weird, but that's just the way it works. And tonight, once he met PinkPolish, he became infatuated. I encouraged him to be bold and make a move, which was stupid on my part, but then again, it was more of a mercy thing. He was having a slow night and I thought I could boost his ego a bit. You know how guys are. But in the end, I ended up telling him that there was no chance. And I believe he got the hint.
Back to the lounge now. NotSoYoung got a drink spilled on her head. I got pushed and shoved by some punk ass moron who looked like a dead moose's butt. (Of course I wasn't going to take the shoving, so I pushed back and made my point clear.) Oh, and I also accidentally punched this one girl in the face while dancing. (It was more of a light tap.) I apologized profusely and made sure she was okay, at which point she told me she was.
We left around 1:30 and drove back home. NotSoYoung was drunk, but the rest of us seemed pretty sober. We dropped off NotSoYoung first because we got somewhat lost on the highway, and then we got lost on the way back to PinkPolish's house. Oh well. Actually, we ended up dropping her off at Pervert's house because he was being whiny.
Other than all of that, it was an alright night. The biggest pisser was spending 22.00 on 2 martinis. Absolutely ridonkulous! I couldn't believe it when the bartender told me how much. Of course those were the only martinis we drank that night. Since I was DD, I opted for two more glasses of Gingerale. Ahh, you gotta love it.
I can't really remember anything else right now, so I'll let PinkPolish enlighten you on the rest of the night.
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