Indecent Proposal

The weekend went smoothly, in fact after my Greys Anatomy fix I was planning on posting about what an uneventful weekend it was...then Suavier struck again.
I was online because I needed to msg somebody so I took my status off from invisible to "away" and the second I did I recieved a msg from Suavier. Apparently 'hey' is just too passe now-a-days so he begins the conversation with his inentions to book us a flight and a week long stay in montreal after my exams. He had sent me the msg not to ask me if I wanted to go but instead to ask me when my last exam was. Well, see, I haven't actually talked to the guy in 3 weeks. I have been purposely avoiding him and not taking his phone calls and now all of a sudden he wants to go away for a 'romantic weekend'. As if that wasn't bad enough - the second half of his msg as even more horrifying.
It began like this: "[PinkPolish] you are a fantastic woman. You put your work and your ambitions before everything else, you are dedicated, sexy and intelligent. I love you and I would STEAL THE SUNSHINE JUST TO PUT THE FIRE BACK INTO YOUR EYES..." YES! He actually used that line. Can you believe that?! Who says shit like that! As LemonDrop so aptly put it, he probably got it from a hallmark card. It sounds like the anxty dribble of a pubescent emo band *shudders*
So where does this leave me? I have a boyrfiend who is certiafiable and cries too much, an ugly guy who likes to play 'hard to get' and poking me in the head with his erect penis, a really hot, intelligent guy who professes daily how much he wants to get into my pants but has a girlfriend of 3 years and is going away to london in a few months, and now a crazy WOP stalker who thinks its romantic to feed me fortune cookie poetry and who has a small dick.
Maybe New York will bring better prospects... HA!
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