Awkward Moments

Today began as usual, I was driving to the train station to get to school thinking about all the things I had to do today, I parked and walked to the terminal. Once I got there however, SHE was standing there. And who is SHE you may ask? Well, SHE is the sister in law of my ex-boyfriend whom I will call Crazy, because well, dude was fucking off the wall. He lived with SHE and his brother in a house when I was dating him so thats how I know her. So once I had spotted her I did that whole staring intently at the ground thing and tried to speedily walk by her with my headphones one praying that she didnt notice me. BUT she did. The stupid bitch was looking great too, she is working at an advertising agency down town and has become very successful - something she wasnt shy about rubbing in. The whole break up with Crazy was a little f*cked up - I broke up with him because he woudl call me about 26 times a day (no exaggeration) just to see where I was and who I was with. So once I broke it off he told everybody it was because I was cheating on him. Anyways, I started talking to Her about the usualy dribble, "how are things going with you" "hows work", we covered all the basics including the weather, which by the way we decided was chilly but preferable to very windy days. The entire time I was PISSED. Why is it that I only run into people I know and want to show up when I look like shit?!
I managed to get to school without seeing anyone else. I went to the library and proceeded to purchase a copy card but I ended up putting my money in the card slot rather than the coin slot. It was all quite embarassing especially when I guy I used to have the biggest crush on came up and wondered why I was sticking my earing into the card slot. I explained that I was trying to get money out that was jamming the machine. He began making comments like "what kind of moron would do that!" it wasnt that embarassing until a large group of people began to line up for the machine and there I was on my knees with my hoop earings in the machine trying to un-jam it. Of course I denied fully that I had anything to do with it and as far as I am concerned it was like that when I got there.
On a happier note I have figured out a way for LemonDrop and I to afford to go to Columbia and live in the city. We are going to pretend to be a lesbian couple and rent a one bedroom apartment. The living room one of us will use as another bedroom. We've decided we'll do whatever it takes to convince the landlord we are *cheesy french accent* "Lova's"
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