Friday, December 21, 2007


It's raining it's snowing, it's raining it's snowing. Holy crap, mother nature, make up your freakin' mind! The weather has been pretty nasty in southern Ontario these last couple of weeks, but I guess it's what we should expect. I don't care much for snow unless I'm tucked under a blanket next to a fireplace with a cup of cocoa and a good book, however, I do hope it sticks around for Christmas!

On the agenda today:
1) Research for paper
2) Compile research for paper
3) Go see PS. I love you
4) Drool over Gerrard Butler
5) See #4
6) See #4
7) Clean myself up from all the drool
8) Do more research for paper

Yep. That's right folks, this is how I'm gonna be spening my Friday afternoon.