Wednesday, August 08, 2007

10 most played songs on my music player

1. World spins madly on - The Weepies
This song just reminds me that no matter what you just have to keep moving.
2. Life is a song - Patrick Park
As the title suggests, life really is a song, sometimes sad, sometimes happy, sometimes in between.
3. Warm sunny beaches - Paul Brandt
I always feel like I'm at the beach when I hear this song. The sound of Paul's calming voice and the guitar it very soothing.
4. Caught up in the moment - Big & Rich
I've always wondered what it would be like to live in the moment. This song sort of gives me a glimpse into that.
5. Funny little feeling - Rock n' Roll Soldiers
I love walking while listening to this song. Sometimes I feel like I have a sense of purpose when I hear the wicked guitar playing.
6. I hate everyone - Get Set Go
This is my classic "You all suck" song.
7. Kerosine - Miranda Lambert
Because doesn't just everyone want to burn something at one point or other in their lives?
8. One girl revolution - Saving Jane
A new favourite of mine. As one of PinkPolish's professors used to say: "Someone needs to START THE REVOLUTION!"
9. Didn't even see the dust - Paul Brandt
Life just passes you by and you don't even realize it. *sigh*
10. Working class hero - Green Day
Although I'd prefer the John Lenon version - so much more emotion behind it...but let's not get back into the Johnny Cash vs. Nine Inch Nails debate. I'll win. The end.